Panoramic photo showing of commercial light fixtures

 Larry's Sheet Metal Is Celebrating 60 Years! 

About Larry’s Sheet Metal

The founding fathers Larry Kelso and Larry Schmitt opened a small sheet metal shop in Glenwood in 1965.

Today, they are affectionately called “The Larry’s”

The Larry’s” 2 sons Rick and Marty took over with Marty now happily retired.

Rick is going strong and we've added two more to the team. Bryce Barker and Chris Barker!

Big changes are on the way, so stay tuned!

Larry’s Sheet Metal is truly a family owned and operated business and we're proud to say for 58 years!

In our full service shop, we do all kinds of projects, including:
skylight & chimney flashing,
cap metal, beam caps, pans and lids.

Just about anything for your particular project.
Whether you are a seasoned pro or the do it yourself kind, Larry’s Sheet Metal can help.

Come meet the team. Rain or Shine they get the job done!

Ty with the crew Jake and Josh.


Custom Metal Fabricators Bryce, Rick and Michael. In the shop or on the job!

   On Site Fabrication